Who are the 16 Tithi Nitya Devis | Similarity between Shodashi Mantra, Tithi Nitya Devi and Lalita Trishati |

Siddha Yogvidya
By - Brahmasmi

          Tithi Nitya Devi is immerged from Lalita Mahatripura Sundari. All Nitya devis have both the energies present in them of Param Shiva and Para Shakti Lalitamata.

16 tithi nitya devi sadhana and introduction
Who are the 16 Tithi Nitya Devis? The similarity between Shodashi Mantra, Tithi Nitya Devi, and Lalita Trishati.

Who are the 16 Nitya devi’s?

         1) Nitya Devis are the 16 phases of the Moon.

         2) Lalita Mata has taken the form of 16 Tithi Nitya Devi.

         3) We find mention of these mothers in the book Tantraraj Tantra.

         4) To worship and practice them, it is necessary to take Srividya Shodashi Mantra Diksha and Tithi Nitya Mantra Diksha.

         5)Nitya devis have their own 16 different vidyas.

         6) All the Nityamata's have different  Yantra, Mantra, and Tantra.

         7) There is nothing that you cannot receive from their worship

         8) Different aspects of the entire universe, constellation, star, solar system, lunar system, and elements of all the universe are governed by these devis.

         9) The whole part of our body is working under their control.

         10) From Amavasya to Purnima and from Purnima to Amavasya, all days are represented by each tithi Nitya Devi.

         11) All Nitya Devi consist of their own anga devtas surrounding them.

         The Sun rules our soul and the Moon rules our mind. These two planets cause lunar phases. Indian mythology accords the status of a Devata to Sun and Moon in the celestial court of Lord Indra.

         The moon is one of the most important planets in astrology. Apart from judging a person from the Lagna, Vedic astrology studies the planetary positions from the moon also. New Moon to Full Moon and back, the changing phases of the Moon rule the mind and our emotions.

The similarity between  Shodashi Mantra, Tithi Nitya Devi, and Lalitha Trishati.

         1) Shodashi Mantra is the mantra of Lalita Mata. This mantra has 16 beej mantras. These mantras are given to you in Srividya initiation.

         2) There are 16 deities of 16 beej mantras. These 16 deities are tithi Nitya Devi.

         3) There are 300 Yogini and deities immerged from all tithi Nitya Devi. The collection of the same 300 names are worshiped, in the form of Lalita Trisati Stotra.

         4) In the Sanskrit language, the 16 vowels, are considered to be tithi Nitya beej aksharas.


         The sixteen vowels of the Matrika represent the sixteen Nitya Shaktis. The consonants, 36 in number represent the 36 Tattvas. The nine groups into which the letters are divided are the nine Nathas or the great Srividya, gurus.

         The Nityas are identical with the universe, Srividya, Sri chakra, Sri Lalita, Guru, and the Self, or what we call as soul or atman. We have to worship Nitya devis one by one from Amawasha to Purnima Tithi and on Pornima day it is the last worship which marks the sudden revelation of Sri Maha Shodashi Nitya. She is the embodiment of all Tithi Nitya Devis.


The names of 16 Kalas i.e. moon phases and 16 tithi nityas.

The Moon has 16 Kalas, or phases. Out of these 15 are visible to us and the 16th is

beyond our visibility.

The 16 Kalas are:

   1. Amrita, 2. Manada, 3. Poosha, 4. Tusthi, 5. Pusthi, 6. Rati, 7. Dhruti, 8. Sasichini, 9. Chandrika, 10. Kanta, 11. Jyostna, 12. Shree, 13. Preeti, 14. Angada, 15. Poorna and 16. Poornamruta.

These 16 kalas are ruled by the 16 Nitya Devis. They are called Shodasa Nityas. The

Names of nityas are:

1.      Kameswari,

2.      Bhagamalini,

3.      Nityaklinna,

4.      Bherunda,

5.      Vanhivasini,

6.      Maha Vajreswari,

7.      Shivadooti (Roudri),

8.      Twarita,

9.      Kulasundari,

10.  Nitya,

11.  Neelapataka,

12.  Vijaya,

13.  Sarvamangala,

14.  Jwalamalini and

15.  Chidroopa (Chitra).

16.  Lalita Maha Nitya

         To obtain the grace of Sri Lalita Devi, the transcendent sixteenth Nitya, it is necessary to appease these fifteen deities.

         The Sadhaka of the fifteen Nityas becomes the abode of Siddhis and happiness. He is cheerful of mind, charitable, merciful, pleasing in appearance, forgiving, contented, free from all anxieties, wealthy, and filled with the bliss of the self.

         He is the possessor of various Siddhis like Khadga, Paduka, Anjana, Nidhi, Bila and control over Devas, demons, Yakshas, Vetalas, Chetakas, nine planets, five elements, etc.

         On Purnima or full moon day, all the 15 Nityas are in the moon and the moon is shining brightly. On the 1st Thithi after the Poornima, i.e., Pratipada, one Nitya leaves the moon and goes to the sun and the moon is reduced slightly in size. On the next Dwiteeya Tithi, another Nitya leaves the moon and goes to the sun and the moon is further reduced in size.

         This way they leave one by one till the moon becomes totally dark on the 15th day, which is called Amavasya or the new moon day. This is known as Krishna Paksha or the waning phase. After Amavasya, they return one by one on each Tithi and the moon starts shining again till it's full on the Poornima when the last Nitya returns to it. This is called Shukla Paksha.

         Kameswari to Chitra is the Nityas ruling the Krishna Paksha Tithis from Pratipada to Amavasya. In Shukla Paksha, the order of the Nityas is reversed, i.e., Chitra to Kameswari. The Nitya of the Asthami or 8th Tithi, Twarita, is common and constant to both the Pakshas. Hence she adorns the crown of Devi.

         The inner triangle of Sri Chakra or Sri Yantra is known as the Sarva Siddhiprada Chakra and the Nityas are next only to Tripura Sundari in importance.

It is said that Kameswari Nitya is Goddess Parvati, Vajreswari Nitya is Maha Lakshmi and Bhagamalini Nitya is Goddess Saraswati.

         One Krishna Paksha and one Shukla Paksha form a 30-day lunar month. 12 such months form a 360-day lunar year. Multiplied by 2 (the day and night aspects of the Nityas/Tithis) we have 720 aspects of the Nitya Devis in a year.

         This way, they rule the day, the night, the days, months, seasons, and the years. Furthermore, each aspect of a Nitya rules 100 Nadis in our body. This way they rule the 72000 Nadis in our body, with ever-changing moods and physical results in human lives.

         The Nityas or Eternities of Lalita represent the fifteen lunar days or tithis of the waxing Moon. Each has her own yantra, mantra, tantra, and prayogas or ritual applications. The full circle of the Nityas also represents the 21,600 breaths a human being takes in a full day and night. Hence the Nityas are the Kalachakra or Wheel of Time.

         The 15 Nityas are modifications of Lalita with her three gunas and her five elements of ether, air, fire, water, and earth. As the moon remains itself, though appearing differently according to phase, so too does Lalita. Each Nitya has her own vidya, that is mantra, yantra, and a group of energies, that is Shaktis.

         The ancient scriptures Nitya Shodasarnava Tantram, Srividya Vilasam, Vamakeswara Tantram, Tantraraja Tantra, and other tantra books, have specified that the 15 Nityas must be worshiped in the Srichakra central triangle, anticlockwise, and the 16th Nitya, Maha Tripura Sundari must be worshiped in the Bindu. 

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These were some of the details of 16-tithi nityas. In the next satsanga, we will discuss first Nitya Kameshwari Devi in detail. Hope you all have loved this blog. For more details please subscribe to our youtube channels available in both languages Hindi and English.

Thank you, to all devotees.



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