Lalita sahasranaam sadhana is the most important sadhana for any devotee who wants to grow spiritually and in his material world. Havan is the most powerful process to get immediate success in your desire goal.
today's Satsang we will know, how to worship Lalita Tripurasundari Mata, with
the help of Lalita Sahasranama Archana and Havan.
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How to Worship Lalita Tripurasundari Mata, with the help of Lalita Sahasranama. |
Introduction of this satsanga.
of lalitasahasranaam.
to start your sadhana.
to worship LalitaMata with just reading.
to worship Lalita Mahatripura Sundari while doing Archana process.
to worship Lalita Mahatripura Sundari with Lalitasahasranaam Havan.
Glory of Lalita Sahasranaam
Lalitha Sahasranama is a divine hymn.
2) Every letter of this hymn is
3) If a seeker recites this stotra,
then the divinity of the stotra will be shown in the seeker.
4) Every name in the Stotra represents
one goddess and deity. We get their blessings.
5) All these Goddesses have appeared
from the Lalita Tripura Sundari Mata.
Lalita Sahasranaam is one of the
greatest poems of Sanskrit literature. Apart from its wonderful rhythm and
consonance, the poem has great wit and humor in the word plays: Sanskrit
abounds in double meanings and assonances and the sahasranaam utilizes this to
the full.
It is a masterpiece of composition,
partly due to its being the only Sahasranaam –‘1000 names’ where no small ‘
filler ’ words like cha, tatha, etc. are added to fit the names into the meter.
With its easy-flowing rhythm, it goes well to a plain melody and maybe recited
in under an hour. Chanted individually in a mantra form, the Thousand Names can
take three hours or more.
The rhythm fits the rules of the Anushtubh
meter almost perfectly. The other comparable, though much simpler, Sahasranaam
is that of Shri Viá¹£hnu in the Mahabharata. The Lalita sahasranaam is
probably the longest Sahasranaam ever composed, due to the many lengthy names.
But more important than this entertaining
literary style is, The Goddess Lalita Mahatripura
Sundari is the Goddess of Beauty. She is the joy-giving– Sarvanandamaya –Gives
the joy from everything. In every created world, in every particle, in every
form, there is a power that gives us joy. This power of joy is the power of
Shri Lalita. She is called as Maha Tripura Sundari.
How to start your sadhana
1) To worship, face east or north
2) To worship you can sit on the
ground or chair.
3) Take woolen mat to seat. If you are
sitting on a chair, keep another woolen mat under your feet.
4) Place a mother's photo or Sriyantra
in front of you.
Try to keep your backbone straight.
6) Worship the mother as a whole
according to you.
7) Read the meditation verse of the
mother. Check out Mata's meditation 4 dhyan sloka on our channel.
8) Take 3 tablespoons of water in your
hand and Whatever you want, pray to the mother. And leave the water on the
ground. Do not ask for such a thing that will hurt someone. Ask for something
to protect yourself and your family, to make life better, and to improve
How to worship LalitaMata with just reading
1) After dhyana sloka and Sankalpa,
you should recite Lalita Sahasranama in front of the mother.
2) Meditate 3 or 4 minutes after the
recitation is over.
3) You can read 1 time a day, 2 times,
or 3 times
How to worship Lalita Mahatripura Sundari while doing Archana.
1) After dhyana sloka and Sankalpa,
you keep the mother's photo or Shriyantra in a vessel. The photo must be
2) Now take a name from Sahasranama,
offer the mother a pinch of Kumkum or Belpatra or Tulsi leaf above the photo of
the mother or above the Sri Yantra.
3) You should chant each name like
Om aim hreem shreem srimatre namha
[offer a pinch of kumkum
or one belpatra or one tulsi leaf
Om aim hreem shreem Sri Maharajani Namaha
4) In this way, add 'om aim hreem
shreem' in front of each name and add 'Namha' in the last of each name.
5) After the Puja is over, meditate
for 3 to 5 minutes.
How to worship Lalita Mahatripura Sundari with Lalitasahasranaam Havan.
1) You can perform Havan after dhyana sloka.
2) To perform Havan, you must have a
Havan Patra or Havan Kund. Dried mango sticks and cow's clarified butter called
ghee. Or there should be havan material to perform the havan found in the
3) Put a mango stick in the Havan
Kunda, pour 1 to 2 spoons of ghee over it.
4) Now take the name of Agni Dev and light the
mantra is like this
'Agni Devaya Avhayami Sthastya Pujayami Namah'
5) Now offer a spoonful of ghee to
mantra is like this
'Agnaye Swaha Agnaye Idm na Mama.
6) Now take each name and offer ghee
in the fire, keep adding mango sticks in the between. You can also use sesame
oil instead of ghee.
7) add om aim hreem shreem 'in front
of each name and Namah Swaha at the end.
something like this,
Om aim hreem shreem Shrimatre Namah Swaha. ( pour one spoon
of ghee or sesame oil )
Om aim hreem shreem Shree Maharajaniye Namah Swaha.
8) After finishing the Havan, meditate
for 5 minutes.
Let us see some important points about Sadhana.
1) You can do this meditation every
day or every Friday or every full moon day.
2) out of 3 practices, whatever you
like, you can do spiritual practice.
3) While doing Lalitha Sahasranama
Sadhana, you can do other spiritual sadhana that you like.
4) Anyone can do this practice. No
need to take initiation. But if you do this sadhana after taking Srividya
initiation, then you will see the effect of this practice quickly and
Please check the below video links of this post.
01) Please Click For English Video-Link
02) Please Click For Hindi Video-Link
So this
was the sadhana of Lalitha Sahasranama. For more details please visit our
youtube channels available in both languages Hindi and English.
Thank you all,
Shri Matre Nama,Dont put any links,spam links. Please respect others knowledge, keep your comment respectful. We all are children of Lalitamata, we together will learn the life lessons. Respectful and genuine suggestions are welcome. We suggest you help others and answer the comment questions if you are having the knowledge of asked questions, to help others, so Lalita Tripura Sundari will shower grace on you and your family. Mother blessing to you and your family.Shri Matre Nama.